Four great TIPS to successfully reenter the workforce after an extended absence

Apr 02, 2019

Getting back into the workforce after 1/3/5 or 10 years raising children, taking care of a loved one, or doing some extended travel, can be a daunting idea for many. This is something I often help professionals with, as well as tackling their many questions

  • Will someone want to hire me?
  • How do I position my time away in a positive manner? Where does this go on my resume?
  • I haven’t interviewed in years!
  • My resume is outdated, and I’m not sure where to begin
  • LinkedIn profile … what LinkedIn profile? 

In this months blog, I want to share four great tips to get you on your way to your next interview and job offer, even if you have not been in the work environment for 8+ years!  

There IS a great company that will want to hire you. In fact, you may already know or be connected indirectly to your next employer!  

No 1. Networking is one of the tops ways to land your next job!

  • My recommendation is to make a target list of companies (20+ ideally) that align from industry, techno
  • ...
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Make your own career luck and land your pot o' gold ...AKA your dream job!

Mar 08, 2019

Happy St. Patrick Day! 

As I look back on my life and career so far, I'd love to say I had it all strategically planned out since leaving university. But, in all honesty, as I headed into the professional world, I did not have anything planned, besides my World Tour for 15 months ! :).

What did help me professionally was connecting with some great people, making some half decent choices, being open to taking risks and being brave enough to step outside of my comfort zone. That being said, I also believe that in many cases I got a good sprinkling of 'luck' too.  'Luck of the Irish,' I hear you say! But luck is not just for the Irish. I do believe you can create your own luck. In the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day, let me share my tips on how to ensure you get the LUCKY breaks you deserve in your career! 

When it comes to job searching or interviewing, there can be some random luck involved, but much of your success will come down to the luck you create for yourself by being proactive, ...

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You deserve to have a CAREER CUPID in your corner!

Jan 31, 2019

As a coach and recruiter I have acted as Career Cupid to many professionals and of course, Hiring Leaders looking to find their next great hire;

While some of the professionals are actively seeking their next role (active job seekers), many others I connect with from a recruitment standpoint, are not even thinking about making a move (passive job seekers) ...until that perfect opportunity landed in their lap! I get giddy even thinking about those conversations;  the excitement expressed when hearing about a role, team, hiring manager, and organization that seems to be tailor-made just for them! 

As Valentine's day approaches I want to share how you too can enlist and leverage Career Cupids to help you land your next position or better still have it find you and from a Hiring Leaders perspective, how to find your NEXT GREAT HIRE. 

There are FOUR types of career cupids that can help you move your career to the next level:

Career Cupid # 1) A ‘great’ recruiter - (More often than not, ...

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Staying ahead of it! ...Reach your career goals with the 'Two-Step ACTION' plan

Jan 14, 2019

As we jump into the new year, we can sometimes get over enthusiastic with all our goals and plans for the year ahead. I know I do! My suggestion is to select your top 3 goals (personal, career, & life) and then CIRCLE one top priority!  Then follow my  ‘Clarify for Change'  and my 'Two-Step Action' Plan which will get you well on your way to achieving your top goal.

Clarify for Change! For example, if your top priority was ‘I need to a change my work environment or find a new job’, here are some helpful questions to CLARIFY some important 'Why's and What's' before moving forward.

  1. Why do I want to move roles or find a new job? (There can be several reasons… Is a full 360 required or just some minor tweaks or changes to keep you engaged and happy professionally (& personally)
  2. What do I feel will be different for me (or my family) if I make a change?
  3. What is the ultimate goal of finding a new job/company?
    • Think both short term and long-term goals. Remember when you start a new jo...
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2019 is Your YEAR! (If you can answer 'Yes' to one question.)

Dec 20, 2018

Can you believe we are two weeks away from year-end? I know I can't, this year has flown by so quickly! A wow, what a year! And yes, I am ending it smiling! And you should be too because if you are reading this, it means you have made yourself and your career a priority.

I'm smiling, because I think my yoga practice has given me a tad more patience to deal with the 'delights' that my three kids share with me each day...and I have a long and happy list of professionals who I had the honor of working with over the last year, who are now happily employed!!  Whoop, Whoop! But such success does not happen overnight; it takes dedication, focus, motivation, and determination. (I'm still working on that flying pigeon or bird yoga move too)

If you are like me, as the year closes, you like to do a quick year-end review. Did I reach some, all, or any of the goals I set for myself, 12 long months ago?

Many of us start each year with a fresh list of personal and professional goals…with life and ...

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Cover Letters! Are they worth the effort and do they get read?

Dec 04, 2018

I will let you in on a secret, as a recruiter for over 15 years, I have never read a cover letter unless it was part of the application process.


  1. The majority of recruiters (including me) will not have the time or inclination to read a cover letter that is not part of the job application. 
  2. Based on my experience the majority of people who write cover letters and send them in with their resume/application, only do so because they know in their hearts that their resume or experience does not position them as a Top Candidate. So they write a cover letter in hopes it will convince you. 

However, there is another highly effective alternative to a cover letter that can 1) open doors, 2) build your network and 3) make you stand out as a Top Candidate that is resourceful, proactive and can add value to the hiring organization! (Presuming, you possess the experience required!!)

My 2.0 alternative to the old-school cover letter is the ‘Winning Email of Introduction.' The 2.0 alterna...

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Ageism: Does it exist even when you're the best candidate for the job?

Nov 01, 2018

Without a doubt, there are organizations that appear to foster and nurture a youthful, millennial-filled environment. However, there are also many who welcome the diversity, experience, wisdom, and, dare I say, a vitality that is offered by professionals who have 20+ years of experience under their belt. 

I was retained by a fast-growing, global start-up to hire a Director of Professional Services for a newly formed team. They wanted a young, dynamic, high-energy candidate to build and lead the team. I asked what age they considered 'young' and why they felt someone more mature may not be a fit? 

After discussing further, we agreed that what was needed was a candidate who demonstrated stamina and youthful energy.

I presented and screened a slate of qualified candidates that had an approximate age range, if I had to guess, of mid-thirties to late fifties.

Can you guess the profile of the candidate they chose to hire? A dynamic, high-energy, seasoned (and white-haired!) professional ...

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Top 5 Interview Questions . . . Answered!

Oct 01, 2018

No.1     Why Should We Hire You?

When asked this question the interviewer is looking to hear an overview of the top reasons why you feel you will be successful in this role. First and foremost, you should be able to highlight how your experience can help solve current challenges the organization or team is experiencing. Build your answer from there. 

  • As a guide, use the framework that you used to develop your professional summary or your elevator pitch. For example, share your qualifications i.e., the number of years relevant experience you have to offer; your deep industry knowledge; experience working in a similar environment.
  • Make a list of the KEY requirements for the position, that you can speak to based on your experience, including skills (excellent writing skills; an experienced team leader; a great relationship builder etc.), personality traits (you're a go-getter; you get things done; you think outside the box; you think strategically and are willing and able to roll up ...
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10 Things to Do to Make a Great First Impression in Your Job Search

Sep 01, 2018

We often make judgments in less than 7 seconds on a person’s character based on how they communicate, appear, and act (body language, mannerisms, and habits). We decide if they are likable, honest, arrogant, professional, capable, trustworthy, etc.

When looking for a new job, typically the first impression many recruiters and hiring managers get is from a candidate’s resume or LinkedIn profile. If the hiring manager or recruiter’s interest is not piqued in less than 6-10 seconds, they’ll most likely MOVE ON to the next candidate.

Whether you’re looking to connect or engage in-person with someone or pique the interest of the recruiter or hiring manager reviewing your resume or LinkedIn profile, here are 10 tips to help you make a great first impression:

  1. Customize your resume (so it’s a no brainer to call you for the interview).
  2. Optimize your LinkedIn profile (so it communicates the professional value you can offer).
  3. Send error free introduction emails & thank-you notes.
  4. Prepare...
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How to Ask for a Raise and Get It!

Aug 01, 2018

As a career coach, I often speak with employees who have been in a certain role or with an organization for a long period of time and have the mindset of ‘I'm due a raise!’ Usually, he/she has this mindset because of one or all of the following reasons:

  • tenure (they've been with the company or in a certain role for x number of years)
  • good attendance (in at 9am; out at 5pm)
  • positive reviews (received a consistent ‘meets expectations’ on their reviews)

Unfortunately, in today’s highly competitive environment, the above reasons usually aren't enough to position yourself as the top contender for a raise or promotion. Instead, make it your goal to say 'yes' to the following six questions before you request a meeting with your manager for a raise or before your next performance review.

Six Questions to Ask Yourself

    Have you consistently exceeded your employee evaluations on all levels for, at least, the past 12-24 months? (Bring in your evaluations ...
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