10 Things to Do to Make a Great First Impression in Your Job Search

We often make judgments in less than 7 seconds on a person’s character based on how they communicate, appear, and act (body language, mannerisms, and habits). We decide if they are likable, honest, arrogant, professional, capable, trustworthy, etc.

When looking for a new job, typically the first impression many recruiters and hiring managers get is from a candidate’s resume or LinkedIn profile. If the hiring manager or recruiter’s interest is not piqued in less than 6-10 seconds, they’ll most likely MOVE ON to the next candidate.

Whether you’re looking to connect or engage in-person with someone or pique the interest of the recruiter or hiring manager reviewing your resume or LinkedIn profile, here are 10 tips to help you make a great first impression:

  1. Customize your resume (so it’s a no brainer to call you for the interview).
  2. Optimize your LinkedIn profile (so it communicates the professional value you can offer).
  3. Send error free introduction emails & thank-you notes.
  4. Prepare & practice (like you’re going on Broadway). For example, for a job interview, this means at least 1-3 hours of preparation, not just 15 minutes.
  • Research the Company
  • Practice your STAR stories to answer job-specific questions
  • Prepare answers to frequently asked general interview questions
  • Outline questions to ask the interviewer

The more preparation you do on the backend, the more confident and relaxed you will be during your interview or meeting.

  1. Get energized before your meeting or event.
  2. Be on time and shut off your cell phone.
  3. Dress appropriately for the situation and take it easy on the perfume and cologne.
  4. Listen attentively.
  5. Be aware of your body language and the message it sends.
  6. Look to connect and engage with the person.

Now, you're ready! If you'd like some one-on-one help with nailing that first impression, I'm always available to help. Simply schedule a time to chat with me by clicking here


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